O.A. Thorp Scholastic Academy
6024 W. Warwick Ave. Chicago, IL 60634
Text & Voicemail: 312.600.7112 Tel. 773-534-3640 Fax: 773-534-3639
Principal Team: Efren D. Toledo, Rebecca McNally, Natalie Schoonewolff
Thorp Families,
Let’s cross our fingers for warmer weather, as this week has been a cold one! We are working on alternatives for indoor recess to ensure movement for all students, as we know this is much needed. Thank you for your patience.
We are almost halfway through the year! The end of the quarter will be next Friday. Report Cards will be distributed on Friday, January 24th.
Middle of the year testing will soon begin. Scores will be sent home when it is over.
We will be hosting monthly open forums for parents to ask questions of teachers and administration. They will start next week. Please see below for the days and times that pertain to your children. They are virtual. You can enter using your child’s credentials. If you are having issues, please call or text 312.600.7112 with your email during the forum and we can assist by sending an invite. Forums will be held at 1:45.
PTA News:
The PTA will host their Winter Wiggle for K-4 students Friday, January 17 at 6:00 PM. Come out for dancing, jumping around and freeze dancing! The WW supports the 7th and 8th grade class trips; admission is free, but donations will be gladly accepted. There will be pizza and other snacks for sale and all proceeds will go to the trips! Parent volunteers are needed; please email [email protected] if you'd like to help. A parent/guardian must attend with their child(ren).
Friend of Thorp News:
Pub Quiz:
Assemble a group of your smartest friends and join us for Pub Quiz on February 2, 2PM - 5PM at Sidekicks. Tickets on sale now at https://friendsofthorp.org/pub-quiz
Chicago Wolves Thorp Day:
Friends of Thorp will once again host a Family Day at the Chicago Wolves game on February 23, 3PM at Allstate Arena. Tickets available at https://friendsofthorp.org/hockey-games
Have a great weekend!
Efren Toledo