Weekly Letter- 01.24.2025



O.A. Thorp Scholastic Academy
6024 W. Warwick Ave. Chicago, IL 60634

Text & Voicemail: 312.600.7112 Tel.  773-534-3640    Fax: 773-534-3639

Principal Team: Efren D. Toledo, Rebecca McNally, Natalie Schoonewolff

Dynamically Different Logo



Dear Thorp Families,

Report cards went home today as well as STAR 360 test results for students in grades 3-8. Please review them with your child. Grades 2, 5,and 8 are benchmark years, which means students can go to summer school if they have grades lower than a "C" in their core subjects. Competitive High schools also look at 7th grade end of year grades, so please review those with your child and set goals for the last half of the year if needed. As always, feel free to reach out to your child’s teacher if there are any questions about grades or attendance. K-2 Student Test Reports will be sent out next week once all tests are completed.

If your child earned an award for the first or second quarter, a certificate will be emailed to you next week. If you want a printed version, you can reply to the email you will receive. We will have our 1st Semester Celebration Assembly next Friday. We will recognize students who achieved Perfect Attendance, Honor Roll (A's & B's) as well as Super Honor Roll (Straight A's) for the 1st and 2nd quarters of the school year. Students of the Month will also be recognized.

We appreciate all of your hard work as you support your child at school. The celebration will be recorded for parents and shared on our Thorp TV YouTube channel.

Speaking of awards. . . OA Thorp Academy was recognized in January as the 2025 Illinois Magnet School of Distinction for our STEAM Program (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) by Magnet Schools of America. We are very appreciative to the hard work of our teachers, families and students!

Magnet Distinction

We were also ranked in the top 7% of IL elementary schools and the top 20 CPS Elementary Schools by US News and World Reports. This is quite an achievement given the fact that our students are selected by random lottery and not through testing.

U.S. News and World Report K-12 Rankings Badge


This week we had a few close calls in our teacher parking lot. As a reminder, the teacher parking lot is CLOSED for parents. This is a major safety concern during arrival and dismissal, as staff needs to enter the building. We have received reports of parents getting angry with staff trying to park. Please model appropriate behavior for our children.


Finally, with the new presidential administration some of our families are concerned about their immigration status and how we will protect their privacy. Please know that our school is still the safest place for your child. We are fully committed to protecting your privacy and that of your children through every legal method possible. Please visit the Guidance from CPS for more information. If you have individual questions please text me at 312.600.7112.


Friends of Thorp News

Pub Quiz:

Assemble a group of your smartest friends and join us for Pub Quiz on February 2, 2PM - 5PM at Sidekicks. Tickets on sale now at https://friendsofthorp.org/pub-quiz



Chicago Wolves Thorp Day:

Friends of Thorp will once again host a Family Day at the Chicago Wolves game on February 23, 3PM at Allstate Arena. Tickets available at https://friendsofthorp.org/hockey-games


Have a great weekend!


Efren Toledo


