Dear Thorp Families:
We have reached the end of the first quarter! I want to give a shout-out to the teachers and students for a successful ten weeks. There is great work happening throughout the building.
Teachers will be reaching out about scheduling conferences for November 4th. Virtual and in-person options are available. Parent hours on November 4th are 12:00-3:00 and 4:00-6:00.
Please do not drop off or pick your child up in the teacher parking lot. That space is already at capacity. It’s only one-way during arrival and dismissal. It has become a safety concern.
Also, please be considerate of staff and family members when dropping your child off. Do not pull over on Grace Street. This causes even more delays. Remember, our doors open at 7:00 a.m. There is no traffic at that time. Children will be marked tardy after 7:30 a.m. As always, we encourage families to park a block away from the school and walk your child to the school. This is particularly important if you are arriving closer to 7:30 a.m. and do not want to be late.
Next week is our Student Council-Sponsored Fall Spirit Week:
Monday October 28th
Pajama Day
Tuesday October 29th
Pumpkin Patch Ready
Get your fall fashion out with flannels and sweaters and winter hats!
Wednesday October 30th
Wild Wind Wednesday
Dress like the wild west or like you’ve been caught in the wind!
Thursday October 31st
Character Day
Dress like your favorite fall or year-round character;no masks or face paint!
Friday November 1st
Skeletons and Pumpkins Day
Dress in black and white, green and orange, skeleton, or pumpkin print!
Parents, all students must be off the West Field by 2:40 so that soccer and cross country practices can take place. Several of our students have been hanging around after school in this area. Please remind your students that they can’t use this space after school. We do not have the staff to supervise students after school hours. If you would like your child to participate in after school activities, please reach out to us at [email protected].
Have a great week!
Efren Toledo